Saturday, January 29, 2011

Valentines and Dress up

Alyssa is always wanting to do "something special" on the weekends. So one snowy Saturday, we went to Joann's for supplies and made a new Valentines Day heart garland. Some felt, ribbon, and LOTS of glitter later....ta da!

In other Brown house news, we recently had a fashion show here. Thanks to Santa and cousin Tracy, Cameron didn't have to dress up like a princess :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I know that age two is supposed to be "terrible", but sometimes it's pretty funny too. Here are some of my favorites from this week:

1) Me (in the car) - "Cameron, could you PLEASE stop being sassy?"
Cam - "No! It's Cameron Shane Brown!"
Me - "OK, Cameron Shane Brown, could you please stop being so sassy"
Cam - (laughing hysterically) - "mom, you're so funny"

2) Trying to get all of his fingers in his glove, Cameron was frustrated and started throwing a fit.
Me - "Cameron, please stop crying about your glove"
Cam - "I'm not crying, I'm whining"

3) This morning, he lost one his pacifiers.
Me - "Where did you have it last? In mommy's room?"
Cam - "I just had it in my hand, and POOF, it was gone"

(we later found said pacifier in his OTHER hand)

That's our Cameron. He makes us crazy and lights up our lives!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I don't really feel that our family is interesting enough to have a blog, but since I am the only sister without one, the Brown's have joined the blogging world for 2011! I hope to add fun photos and words of wisdom from my children. Meet the Browns!