Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Catching up!

We were so happy to get together with some friends from Canterbury Dr. We went to a park and splash pad. It was so much fun! The water got a little cold, so the kids decided to dry off and warm up.

More friends joined in.

Siene was a little shy, but the rest of the crew posed for a picture - (L to R) Ethan, Caleb, Cameron, Amber, Taye, Alyssa, Madelyn, and Mikias. What a cute bunch of kids!

Longtime (NOT old), friends. SO good to catch up. Next time, girls night!

A visit to the Cottage

The casts are off! A trip to the cottage was long overdue. Daddy had to go to Seattle, so we took a trip up north. We did all of the of the traditional cottage activities.

We went on a nature walk. Even Lanie got to take a walk.

We roasted marshmallows...

We had some relaxing time with Grandma...

And, of course, quality beach time making sandcastles...


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fun with Uncle Mikey and Auntie Ams

After the Polish festival, we celebrated Uncle Mikey's birthday. He must be 28, since mom is 29 :) Here is the birthday boy with his nieces and nephews.

Amber says it's time to cool off in the pool.

Sweet Mason thinking about walking!

Mommy holding Mason - and he's happy about it!

Auntie Pam, Uncle Mikey, and Mason in the shade

Alyssa catching Logan

Logan and his best buddy, Brandon

Mason and his mommy

Cameron SO happy his cast is off so he can play in the water

Morgan taking a dip

Madelyn keeping her arm dry

Happy Birthday, Uncle Mikey. We always have such a fun time when we come over to play!

Polish Fesitval

Hot on the heels of coming home, the girls danced at the Polish Festival. It was no less then 90 degrees in the big tent, and they were both troopers!

Madelyn couldn't dance because of her broken wrist, but she was able to come out in the finale with her the group.

Waving good-bye. See you again next year!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 4th - Parades and Fireworks!

The day began with the Bessemer children's parade. Our group was the "Red, White, and Blue, Browns!"

Alyssa and Lucy walking in the parade.

Madelyn waving her home made flag.

Madelyn, Mom, Cameron, Chris, Jenny, Alyssa, Lucy, and dog Frankie lined up and ready to go.

The Brown kids!

The evening Bessemer town parade began with a flyover of F16 fighter jets. Really cool, very loud!

Marty's Goldenaires led by Uncle Richard Brown

Uncle Jeremy marching

Unfortunately, we didn't win the 50/50. I think this was the largest prize ever - almost $26,000. I had big plans for that money :)

The evening continued with fireworks. Thunder on the mountain began at about 10pm. Before the kids began dropping like flies, we got a nice family picture.

Cameron was the first to pass out

Alyssa was next, with Auntie Heidi covering her ears

Madelyn almost made it to the end...

...but by the end of the big, noisy finale, all three kids were sleeping. It must have been a fun day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Activities in Bessemer

Saturday morning started with the Bessemer Hometown race. Mom decided on the 2 mile race. The course was downhill for the first half, and uphill for the second. Even though the race was early, it was already really hot.

Mom is getting her tunes ready.

Runners before the starting horn.

Mom's cheering section.

Running uphill for the finish. Mom placed third in her age group, only about 20 seconds behind second (and the water bottle prize). Overall finish was in the top third. Not too bad.

After everyone cooled down, we headed to the park where the Ann Arbor hands-on Children's Museum had all kinds of science experiments for the kids to participate in.

Antacid bottle rockets.

Fun with magnets.

Finally, we got to go and visit our cousin, Lucy and have dinner at her house. What a fun day!

Visit to Bessemer - Sunday Lake

We had a great trip visiting Grandma and Grandpa up in the U.P. The first stop on the trip was Sunday Lake. It was close to 90 degrees, so going to the beach seemed like a good idea. First order of business was to wrap up all the broken bones in the family. Towels, plastic bags, and lots of tape kept everyone dry.

Alyssa got to get COMPLETELY wet. She was excited about that!

Cameron got boat rides and was really good about staying dry - especially in the extreme heat.

Madelyn was imitating lady liberty keeping her arm dry and clean.

Snack time with Grandma and Grandpa.

Building sandcastles are a necessary part of beach time!